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Global Giants’ New Choice: Ending Animal Testing

Coca-Cola and Pepsi have decided to stop supporting animal testing at Michigan State University. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has consistently campaigned for the cessation of animal testing, arguing that alternative testing methods are available without using animals. The organization has persistently requested major corporations to halt animal experimentation on ethical grounds.

Experiments that cause animal suffering raise not only ethical concerns but also various controversial issues, including environmental pollution. PETA has strongly demanded that major corporations cease funding such experiments, conducting campaigns, picketing, and petition drives. The decision by these major corporations to stop funding animal testing represents not only a victory for PETA but also symbolizes a significant cultural shift reflecting society’s growing awareness of animal welfare.

Other companies have begun to recognize the ethical issues surrounding animal testing and are acknowledging research findings that demonstrate the greater effectiveness of non-animal testing methods. PETA is working to ensure this change doesn’t stop with specific companies, but rather leads to the legal adoption of alternative testing methods through legislative pressure. Innovative methods such as organoids and computer simulations can serve as viable alternatives.

Consumers are also moving in favor of ethical consumption. Consumer preferences inevitably lead to significant cultural changes that influence corporate directions. The adoption of animal-alternative testing by global companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsi is likely to create a domino effect in the industry.

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